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Ammo Overload
Rocket Raccoon throws an Ammo Overload device in the target direction. While within the device's range, Punisher and Winter Soldier receive the buffs of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing.
Chilling Charisma
Luna Snow infuses ice energy into Jeff and Namor, who can then tap into the ice energy to power up abilities at will.
Dimensional Shortcut
Black Panther and Psylocke can tap into Magik's limbo powers and open portals.
Gamma Charge
Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation, enhancing their abilities.
Guardian Revival
Adam Warlock shares his cocoon rebirth abilities with Mantis and Star Lord.
Metallic Chaos
Scarlet Witch infuses Magneto's greatsword with chaos magic, giving him a fiercely upgraded version of melee strikes for a short time.
Planet X Pals
Jeff and Rocket Raccoon can ride on Groot's shoulders, receiving less damage.
Symbiote Bond
Venom shares a part of his symbiote with Peni Parker and Spider-Man, allowing them to convert the symbiotes into explosive spikes which damage and push back enemies.
Voltaic Union
Thor infuses Thorforce into Storm and Captain America, enhancing their abilities with lightning.