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Iron Man Iron Man is a damage class hero in Marvel Rivals.

People want to be led, I want to be in charge. Win-win.
Easy to play 250 Aerial assault Josh Keaton
Portrait of Iron Man.

Iron Man Iron Man is a damage class hero in Marvel Rivals. Aerial assault

Easy to play
250 Health
Voice Talent:
Josh Keaton
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Iron Man is a versatile ranged duelist in Marvel Rivals, excelling at sustained damage, mobility, and utility. His primary role is to deal consistent ranged damage while staying mobile and supporting his team with his advanced technology. With abilities like Repulsor Barrage and Unibeam, Iron Man can pressure enemies from a distance, making him particularly effective against squishy backline heroes or clustered opponents. His Invincible Pulse Cannon ultimate allows him to unleash devastating AoE damage while enhancing his mobility, making him a key asset in team fights.

Iron Man thrives in team compositions that include vanguards like Hulk or Groot to protect him while he operates from mid-range. He also synergizes well with strategists like Doctor Strange or Scarlet Witch, who can provide healing or crowd control to keep enemies at bay. However, Iron Man's reliance on positioning and cooldown management makes him vulnerable to long range poke heroes, requiring careful map awareness and constant repositioning to stay effective.

How to play Iron Man in Marvel Rivals

Positioning is critical for Iron Man due to his mid-range playstyle and moderate durability. Use Jet Boost, which grants flight for a short duration, to reposition during fights or escape dangerous situations. This ability also allows you to reach high ground for better vantage points, giving you an advantage over melee-focused heroes who struggle to reach you. Be mindful of its cooldown and avoid overcommitting without an escape plan.

Iron Man's utility lies in his ability to control the battlefield with Micro-Missiles, which deal AoE splash damage enemies caught in their radius. Use this ability to disrupt enemy formations or peel for your teammates when they're under pressure from aggressive flankers.

Iron Man Counters and Synergies

Iron Man works well with

Portrait of Groot.Groot Portrait of Hulk.Hulk Portrait of Luna Snow.Luna Snow

Iron Man struggles against

Portrait of Hawkeye.Hawkeye Portrait of Hela.Hela Portrait of The Punisher.The Punisher

Iron Man Abilities

Invincible Pulse Cannon

Charge up and fire a devastating pulse cannon in the targeted direction, delivering damage to the targeted area upon impact.

1000 damage
2800 ult charge
10m radius (medium)
The projectile leaves a short-lived trail which deals 300 damage per second.

Repulsor Blast

Fire the nano-pulse cannon forward. After firing one-handed twice in a row, the next attack will fire both hands at once.

55 damage (one-hand), 65 (two-hands)
100 power
10 power per shot
Has infinite ammo during Armor Overdrive


Channel the nano-pulse cannon into a beam.

120 damage per second
100 power
10 power per second
25m (medium)
Has infinite ammo and deals 180 damage per second during Armor Overdrive


Activate Hyper-Velocity state for swift forward flight, moving at 100% increased speed for a short time.

120 energy
10 energy recovered per second
15 energy per second

Armor Overdrive

Activate Armor Overdrive state, enhancing Repulsor Blast and Unibeam.

20 seconds
10 second duration

Micro-Missile Barrage

During Hyper-Velocity Iron Man launches a missile bombardment directly below. During Armor Overdrive Iron Man instead launches the missiles towards his crosshair.

20 damage (Velocity), 15 damage (Overdrive)
8 seconds (Velocity), 6 seconds (Overdrive)

Iron Man Team-Ups

Gamma Charge

Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. When Doctor Strange uses Maelstrom of Madness, he unleashes Gamma Maelstrom. When Iron Man uses Armor Overdrive, he will initiate a gamma upgrade.

Iron Man Costumes

Iron Man Lore in Marvel Rivals

There are times, Tony Stark reflected, when a man just wants to be left alone to do his work. The problem before him was tricky. Doctor Doom had unraveled the boundaries between different timestreams, causing them to overlap and tangle — and bring him directly into conflict with a second Doctor Doom from an alternate future. This Timestream Entanglement had destabilized countless worlds and destroyed who knew how many dimensions that could not survive being overlaid onto another reality. Tony had the glimmer of an idea of how to build a machine that would reintegrate the timelines and hopefully restore his own personal reality to the way it had been before. A future version of T'Challa and Shuri, along with the egghead Reed Richards himself were his main collaborators, though Peter Parker and some other locals gave some insight also. If they couldn't figure out how to get Trudy running, nobody could. That machine has been a doozy. They were going to need massive amounts of this new element, Chronovium, to pull the construction off. The group had begun referring to it as the Timestream Reintegration Device, and because that was clumsy, they'd shortened it to TRD — ...Read Iron Man's full Marvel Rivals lore