Find Marvel Rivals friends / players
Need people to play Marvel Rivals with?

Hey! I'm the creator of this site ( Hope you're enjoying it!




Cloak and Dagger one trick. Do have other pocket picks for DPS and Vanguard if needed. Would like to be super competitive and looking for a solid group who wouldn't mind having me. I'm always looking to improve.










Down to play comp or casual, add me @untilunwritten.



Just hit D3 playing solo, need someone to play with its getting boring





23, feed up of carrying in silver want to go up in the ranks for harder games



I'm zach, I play every day atm while I'm on christmas break from uni, down to play whenever. Silver 3 atm



















Want to team up to get some better comms during ranked, add me on Discord! @Gussinder


Friends! Gather around (and add me if you want to squad up some time)!


