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Scarlet Witch Scarlet Witch is a damage class hero in Marvel Rivals.

Embrace the chaos.
Easy to play 250 Short-range nuker Kate Higgins
Portrait of Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet Witch Scarlet Witch is a damage class hero in Marvel Rivals. Short-range nuker

Easy to play
250 Health
Voice Talent:
Kate Higgins
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Scarlet Witch is a high-damage duelist in Marvel Rivals, specializing in short-range combat, crowd control, and area-of-effect (AoE) abilities. Her kit revolves around dealing consistent damage with her Chaos Control basic attack, stunning enemies with Dark Seal, and unleashing devastating AoE damage with her ultimate ability, Reality Erasure. Scarlet Witch excels at flanking enemy teams, disrupting their formation, and eliminating squishy targets like strategists or ranged duelists. However, her low health pool and reliance on positioning make her vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage.

Scarlet Witch thrives in team compositions that include vanguards like Magneto or Groot, who can protect her while she deals damage from mid-range. However, Scarlet Witch struggles against burst damage heroes who can interrupt her ultimate or take her out quickly, such as Luna Snow or Hawkeye.

How to play Scarlet Witch in Marvel Rivals

Positioning is critical for Scarlet Witch due to her low health pool and vulnerability during engagements. Use Mystic Projection to flank enemy teams or escape dangerous situations; this ability also allows you to take high ground for better visibility and safety. When engaging in fights, open with Dark Seal to stun enemies and create opportunities for follow-up attacks from your team.

Activate your ultimate when enemies are grouped together around objectives or during choke-point fights where they have limited mobility options, and are ideally distracted. Coordinate with your team to ensure you're protected while charging the ultimate, heroes like Magneto and Luna Snow can help keep you alive during this vulnerable period.

Scarlet Witch excels in brawl compositions where teammates can keep enemies occupied while she deals consistent damage from a safe distance.

Scarlet Witch Counters and Synergies

Scarlet Witch is strong against

Portrait of Star-Lord.Star-Lord Portrait of Thor.Thor Portrait of Wolverine.Wolverine

Scarlet Witch works well with

Portrait of Doctor Strange.Doctor Strange Portrait of Groot.Groot Portrait of Magneto.Magneto

Scarlet Witch struggles against

Portrait of Black Widow.Black Widow Portrait of Hawkeye.Hawkeye Portrait of Hela.Hela

Scarlet Witch Abilities

Reality Erasure

Engage in free-flight while charging energy, then unleash it to deal massive damage.

750 damage
4 second charge
15m (medium)

Chaos Control

Unleash chaos magic on enemies to deal damage based on a percentage of their max health, and restoring Chaos Energy.

6 damage + 0.5% of target's max health per tick
10 ticks per second
3m (tiny)

Chthonian Burst

Consume Chaos Energy to fire an explosive magic missile.

65 damage
4 charges
0.2 charges per second
3m (tiny)

Dark Seal

Land a hit on a target or environment, or press again early, to generate a force field that periodically stuns enemies within range.

12 seconds
0.5 second stun
3m (tiny)

Scarlet Witch Team-Ups

Metallic Chaos

Magneto can draw Scarlet Witch's chaos energy into his greatsword, gaining enhanced range and damage.

Scarlet Witch Costumes

Scarlet Witch Lore in Marvel Rivals

Wanda Maximoff meditated, her body hovering a foot off the ground and her body wreathed in chaos energy. She was surrounded by a low wall, beyond which the cliffs and ridges of Wundagore Mountain sloped away into the clouds below. She did this every day, opening her mind to the vast magical undercurrents of her broken world. Sensing where arcane power was building, where different forms of magic clashed and threatened wider conflicts. Reality was fragile, filled with gods and monsters that would willingly destroy it to increase their own power. Wanda. She twitched, the sound of her name pricking at the bubble of meditation. Wanda had spent years honing her ability to detect the smallest fluctuations in the field of magical power woven into the fabric of reality. This was part of her task as Sorceress Supreme of a reality that constantly tried to tear itself apart. Whenever magical adepts were active, she needed to know. Not to mention, it had been quite some time since someone used her name. Wanda. The words were laced with a shadowy tinge vaguely familiar to her, but from beyond her realm. That put her on the defensive. Only dangerous magic could traverse...Read Scarlet Witch's full Marvel Rivals lore