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An Avenger's Guide to Hawkeye

Hawkeye guide by Boots
Last updated: Dec 12

"Hawkeye is a strategist who's greatest strength is his long-range precision, his biggest weakness is his limited mobility"

# Hawkeye ### "*I never miss.*" ## Overview [Hawkeye]( is a marksman equipped with various arrows, and a specialty excels in long-range combat and precision shooting. He relies on deadly accuracy and strategic positioning to take down key targets from a distance. ## Utility ### Basic Attacks *Piercing Arrow* increases in damage the longer it is held. It’s an excellent tool for dealing high damage to squishy enemies and at times tanks. Make sure to charge it up for a few seconds to maximise its potential. *Blast Arrow* replaces Hawkeye’s *Piercing Arrow* with a spread of three explosive arrows. It’s ideal for dealing with groups of enemies in close-quarters combat and is a great tool for creating space on a clustered battlefield. *Ronin Slash* allows Hawkeye to swing his sword and enemies in front of him while deflecting all incoming projectiles. Use it as invulnerability cover while peaking to the side of a wall, but never stand in the open and attempt to use it as a shield. ### Abilities *Crescent Slash* lets Hawkeye unsheathe his sword and perform a forward slash that launches enemies hit into the air. It’s useful for disrupting melee attackers who get too close and allowing Hawkeye to reposition then follow up with other attacks while keeping enemies at a manageable distance. *Hypersonic Arrow* is a fast-moving projectile that deals two instances of damage and slows enemies. It’s great for knocking down flying heroes, and crowd control if you're in a pinch. ### Ultimate *Hunter's Sight* allows Hawkeye to create afterimages of moving enemies and max out his *Archer’s Focus*. Target back row enemies by using your double jump aggressively and spamming attacks on their afterimages. ### Passives *Archer's Focus* boosts the damage of *Piercing Arrow* when Hawkeye hovers his crosshair over an enemy. Aim at tanks to charge *Archer's Focus* before quickly switching to a squishy brawler. Double Jump is Hawkeye's primary mobility. Use it to evade melee threats, position yourself, and dodge enemy ultimates. Be mindful of its cooldown, as it's your only means of escaping. ## Pros and Cons ### Pros + One-Shot Kill Potential + Versatile Toolset + Strong Against Non-Tanks + High Damage Output ### Cons + Limited Mobility + High Skill Requirement + Predictability + Vulnerability During Ultimate ## Playstyle Hawkeye excels at long-range combat. Focus on maintaining distance, using your double jump, and not missing vital shots especially on the enemy back row. When in combat, look for opportunities to use *Archer's Focus* for maximum damage and ensure that your positioning is never too aggressive by changing elevation frequently, especially when tanks are nearby. ## Final Thoughts Hawkeye is a high-risk, high-reward hero, with great potential in the right hands. His one-shot kill potential and versatile toolkit are influential to any battle, but his lack of mobility and high skill ceiling make him a challenge to master. Players who can predict enemy movements, keep calm in vital moments, and communicate well will surely succeed with Hawkeye!

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